Want to see what your face would look like on a dwarf?

Exciting news for all Dungeons & Dragons enthusiasts! Our website now offers an innovative feature: we can place your face on AI-generated images of your fantasy character.* Yes, even if your chosen character is a dwarf, elf, or any other humanoid creature! Our custom-designed AI algorithm works its magic to smooth out any imperfections and create a captivating character image that brings your D&D/ persona to life. So, are you ready to see yourself in a whole new fantastical light? Give it a try!

* Please see the specific guidelines below.

* Chad, Actual Client, Used with Permission

The Process

For an optimal experience with our AI-generated fantasy character creation, there are a few steps we need to follow. First, we need multiple images of the face we're going to incorporate into the AI image. Multiple options give us flexibility in choosing the best fit. Next, we'll gather a selection of images tailored to your specifications. Keep in mind, facial proportions matter; for example, a round-faced portrait may not adapt well to a slim-faced character, and vice versa. Once we settle on a suitable image, our team will leverage our technological wizardry to achieve the desired result. It's more art than science, with a mix of experimentation and tweaking involved, but rest assured, we won't rest until we hit the bullseye. The turnaround time can vary, ranging from as quick as 4-5 hours to a full 24 hours, depending on the complexities involved. We find the process exhilarating and can't wait to bring your fantasy character to life!

* Knuckles, Actual Client, Used with Permission

* Sheri, Actual Client, Used with Permission

Get in touch

We're excited to offer this unique AI-based character image creation service for a cost of just $24.99. $19.95! This fee allows us to use our technology and skilled team to provide you with a truly personalized character image that breathes life into your Dungeons & Dragons experience. Get ready to visualize your fantasy persona like never before!

Don't worry about payment upfront, We'll send you an invoice once you are satisfied with the finished product.


The Face Morphing Team!

Emily Johnson

Founder / Computer Science Major

Olivia Martinez

Digital Media

David Nathan

Dungeon Master / Digital Media

Harper Johnson

Photographer/ Data Science